Parenting: The Guide Protect Love Philosophy

Giving Parents the Tools to Have Well-Behaved Kids and Happy Families

What is the Guide Protect Love Approach to Parenting? The Three Steps to Effective Parenting:

Guidance is first and foremost about teaching values. This involves thinking about what kind of person you want your child to grow up to be, what values are important to you and how you will teach and transmit these values and behaviors that will help your child thrive. I help parents to become the leaders and teachers they wish to be and that their children need. I teach parents how to set rules that consistently impart their values, and effective, loving, and logical ways to enforce those rules for the benefit of their child.

Protection concerns sustaining your child’s health physically and emotionally, and shielding your child from some of the unique risks of modern life, such as peer pressure and the online world, and balancing this with the need to allow your child to grow and mature and work through challenges. I help parents work on the delicate balance of supervising and monitoring safety while not over-protecting.

Love is always what prompts parents to seek help when things are not right. But love also encompasses nurturing, time spent with your children, and emotional connectedness. Families too often live side by side, everyone busy and engaged electronically, and not with each other. I help parents balance work and family time and plan ways to help families stay close and enjoy each other’s company, even during the rough adolescent years.

No family should live arguing the same arguments every day, dealing with rude or aggressive defiance, sibling war zones and non-compliance and arguments about basic rules like homework, hygiene or simple chores as well as constant emotional upset and hurt feelings. Family situations that may at first seem hopeless can often be corrected by understanding why the misbehavior occurs and learning strategies to help parents be parents (leaders), and kids be kids.

When guidance, protection, or the loving bond between parent and child is under stress, all the members of a family suffer. Together, we work on realigning family dynamics to help make happier and more successful families.